Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Abyss of Boredom and What is Found There

I often reach a point in my day when melancholy pays a visit.

Like most high school students, I despise it. Once you are done thinking about everything you care to think about, you mind keeps is left with a deep, dark abyss of consciousness to be filled. I do not know about you, but my mind steps right up to the edge and plunges into this great abyss. My mind falls down it swiftly, but it illuminates the abyss, which is nice. I get to know what is happening in my own mind. The best part is when my mind reaches the bottom of the abyss.

It is a treasure trove down there. It is where the "creativity fairies" live. It is where the brightest sparks of thought fly. I do not like going down the abyss initially, as it is really rather boring. But I forget that when I get to the bottom.

Yesterday afternoon, melancholy paid me a visit. The wrinkled old lady came into my Global Studies class and sat down in the desk beside me. Then I was bored. So, as my mind always does, it jumped into the dark abyss and threw its worries into the garbage can.

I hit the ground running, once I reached the sandy bottom. I realized I was thinking about random things that one would be surprised to find in the same sentence. Which is odd. Lately I've found myself making up Spanish stories or thinking of how this senior boy should not wear pink. Or most usually, I am thinking about "that boy." That last one really kills me. Just like everything kills Holden in Catcher in the Rye.

For those of you that are feeling like your six-year-old self, insanely curious, with your eyes wide, and nose squashed up against the glass, here are some of the thoughts that crossed my mind.

1. Garden Gnomes and Tijuana. When would someone ever have an innocent garden gnome go on a drinking binge in Tijuana? Never, that is when.

2. Toe Jam and Knitting Needles. I can't even explain how my mind went there.

3. Claude Monet and The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. Whenever would Claude's serene visions by marred by the corruption of the american meat industry? I'm coming up blank right now...

4. Sheep and Cupcakes. I've never heard of sheep wool being used as frosting.

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